Ana María creo una página de wiki para que todos pudieramos trabajar:
El proyecto original lo preparó Beatriz de la siguiente manera:
Wall : Recycling
Objective: To make students aware of the importance of recycling.Resources: internet web pages suggested to work with
Schedule: Look at the end of the page for the time schedule
Activity 1: What do you know about recycling? What items can be recycled?
Activity 2: Individually: answer the questions by watching the video clip from the web page suggested:
- ·Block A: Environmental Impact: What benefits does recycling have over environment? Mention one creative way to recycle according to the video clip.
- What is the benefit of reducing waste?
- ·Block B: Negative Aspects: Is there any negative aspect of recycling?
- ·Block C: What is the best way to make people conscious about recycling?
Activity 3
Once you have researched about recycling individually; you need to work in the wiki. With the information obtained from the web pages suggested you have to complete the table; add all the result you have obtained as a team of three (3) members. All members need to compare answers provided and decide which ones you are using.
(This is how the table is going to look like after completing it with the information in the WIKI)
Activity 4
Once you have completed the table, you must work in pairs. You must take into consideration the following key points:
You must check and look for the following:
1. Research the main idea in each paragraph.
2. Research the main idea from the whole text.
3. Choose one positive aspect and one negative aspect from each text.
4. Make a brief power point presentation in order to let your classmates know about your research.,%20Cons,%20and%20Effects.htm
Activity 5: Write brief paragraphs to take into account the important facts from the texts and the topic. If possible make a comparison table/chart to include in your power point presentation.
Activity 6: Illustrate your topic by adding pictures, photographs, images or clipart to your presentation on recycling.
Remember: You have to relate the images used to the process of recycling. Each member of the team will do a consensus about the images, pictures, photographs or clipart illustrated in order to represent in a best way the recycling process.
Activity 7: In teams, you will represent a Wall Newspaper called Recycling by using the brief texts and images.
Activity 8: Students will show their power point presentations in an Open House exhibit to other groups or members of the school
To do the activity, you must follow the next steps:
• Make a diagram of what you tell
• Try to introduce an example or anecdote.
• Beware of buzzwords when talking
• Try to control your tone when speaking, posture and gesture
• Finish your presentation with a brief conclusion
Time Schedule:• Try to control your tone when speaking, posture and gesture
• Finish your presentation with a brief conclusion
Activity 1: April 15
Activity 2: April 18
Activity 3: April 20
Activity 4: April 24
Activity 5: April 27
Activity 6: April 30
Activity 7: May 1
Activity 8: May 6
Víctor trabajo una primera parte de la traducción del proyecto de la siguiente manera:
Wall : Recycling
Objetivo: Se pretende que se tome conciencia sobre la importancia de reciclar.Recursos: internet
Calendario de trabajo: Al final de la pág.
Actividad 1: Qué es lo que sabes acerca del reciclaje? Qué puede ser reciclado?
Actividad 2: De manera individual contestarán las siguientes preguntas con ayuda del siguiente video.
- · Bloque A: Impacto ambiental. ¿Qué beneficios tiene sobre ambiente? Menciona una forma creativa de reciclar según el video.
- · Bloque B: Aspectos negativos: ¿Existe algún aspecto negativo del reciclaje?
- · Bloque C: ¿Cómo animar a la gente a reciclar?
Actividad 3
Una vez que hayas hecho la recolección de los datos de manera individual, ahora en un wiki van a ir rellenando una tabla con los resultados en común. Esto lo harán formando grupos de 3 integrantes, comparando sus respuestas y escribiendo lo que tengan en común.
(Esto es el wiki simulado)
Ana María convirtió el proyecto en un Scrapbook:
Y yo lo diseñé en versión de un hunt:
Espero les guste.
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